Monday, October 28, 2013

The Long Night Moon

Genre    Family Friendly     Author/Pen Name   Jean Booth  eBook Yes

The Long Night Moon

"Grandmother, will you tell us a story?"
"Oh Child! I am old and don't remember many stories," the old woman replied with a glint in her eyes.  "What would you like to hear?"
"Tell of how the sun loved the moon so much that he died every day so she could live," the child said eagerly.
"Ah, that one," she sighed.
Carefully she settled herself deeper into the pillows, her grandchildren crowding around to hear her speak.
"Long ago, before the land grew life, there was the sun.
He was called Arona.
Arona was strong, powerful, full of life and energy. He proudly lit the skies, illuminating the darkest corners, keeping the night at bay.
The people of the land loved Arona, and he loved them. They smiled and thanked him as they went about their lives.
Arona watched as they fell in love.
Soon the people who so loved Arona were too distracted to talk with him or even grant him a small smile. And Arona found himself growing lonely.
It was midsummer's eve when she appeared, a small, silver orb in the sky.
Arona was intrigued by her appearance.
He inched his way closer to her until the day they finally met.
'What a lovely silver color you possess,' he said to her in greeting, shining as brightly as he could.
'I came from night to see your bright light,' she replied. 'You shine so brightly all the time, certainly you need to rest?'
Arona was taken aback at her request. A sun as strong as he had no need for sleep!
'You are mistaken,' he explained, shining brighter still. 'I will shine and protect the land until I can no longer burn.'
He thought he saw her shrug.
'Then I will stay and keep you company. I am Luna.'
With nothing to do to occupy her time, Luna danced across the sky.  She would twirl around and disappear into the night, where Arona couldn't follow. It was a forbidden place and he would die if he went.
Many months went by in this manner. They would pass each other, say hello.
Arona grew curious of Luna's trips in the dark.
'What do you do when you leave?' he asked one day.
'I smile down on those below and shine for them,' was her reply.
'How is it that you shine?' he demanded.
'I reflect the love I have for you and remind the night of your majestic glow.'
He dimmed with speechlessness.
They hung together in the sky, one bright, one light and danced until he realized that he too, loved Luna.
'I must go, I've been gone too long.' she whispered with regret.
Leaving Arona, she went into the night.
He followed, risking death to glimpse her light.
What he saw caused a tear to fall.
She shone with a beautiful silver glow, one that was too light to shine with his bright aura.
When she returned, they danced together until they reached the expanse of night.
'I grow weary and must leave to shine my light,' she admitted softly with regret.
'You love this land, as I. I have seen you shine and know that you must glow to have life. Let me show you how I love you.' Arona said, kissing her softly before entering the night to die.
Luna's light grew bright and brighter still, until she glowed with her soft, silvery light. She wept for Arona, her tears opening holes in the night sky, reflecting their love with soft light. She could not hear the soft hush of joy that passed through the land, she just wished for her friend.
Hours went by, too long to count, and Luna met the other side of the land. Out of the darkness that hid the night, pale fingers reached. They stretched across the sky until at last; Arona pulled himself free from his deathly trip into the dark.
And from that first Winter Solstice, Arona and Luna shared the sky. Arona dies to give Luna life and she shines bright with her love for him. You can still see them dance, embracing one another as they cross paths in the sky if you so chose." Grandmother finished the story as the children slept around her.
She looked up into the night sky, toward the brilliant silver light of Luna's Full Long Night Moon and smiled. 

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